Betty Lou was born on the ranch on March 1, 2018. She is as beautiful and unique as her name and has a very distinctive look with a lovely brown and white pattern that helps her stand out in the crowd. She also happens to be one of our best milkers and regularly produces more than 1.5 gallons of milk per day. 

Betty Lou

Though she is distinguished and rather elegant, she also happens to be quite goofy and more than a little odd. She loves the time of day when we bed the girls down, covering their barn in a fresh layer of bedding straw. She usually spends this time following her human caretakers around, curiously watching our progress and playfully pawing at the new straw. 

betty lou the goat

She seems to especially enjoy being photographed, and will generally give the camera a curious, sidelong look to try to discover the secrets held within. She currently lives in the pasture with her sister Edna Mae and daughter, Peggy Sue.

peggy sue baby

Betty Lou’s 2021 daughter, Peggy Sue, who apparently inherited her camera curiosity from her mother.

Betty Lou’s mother, Tammy Jo, retired last year and was adopted as a beloved pet goat after 5 years of being on our milking crew. As you may have already guessed, we name all the girls in this lineage with a unique double name, which makes it twice as fun to name them!


Betty Lou stands at the gate alongside her sister Edna Mae (left) and friend Paprika (right) as they curiously watch the humans bustle about.

Become Betty Lou's symbolic goat sponsor today! We offer two sponsorship levels and all $$ goes directly to the support, care and wellbeing of our herd of LaMancha dairy goats! Learn more about becoming a sponsor here

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